Heavy Haulage Transport Solutions

Heavy Haulage

Certain industries require specialised heavy haulage transportation solutions. What are some of the typical loads moved by heavy haulers?


  • Houses

  • Mega Yachts

  • Offshore Decks

  • Giant Boilers

  • Pressure Vessels

  • Construction Equipment

  • Pre-Fabricated Modules

  • Power Transformers

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If you or your business needs to transport immense loads (working with 2,000 tonne objects is not unusual in this industry), you need to work with an industry leader who is experienced in hauling and transporting those oversized loads that require specific escort services and special permits.


Quality Equipment And Experienced Professionals


A good heavy haulage company will possess a wide range of equipment that takes advantage of the efficiencies and ease that technology has to offer. A self-propelled modular transporter is the standard heavy lifter vehicular equipment used to transport immense loads. These transporters have several dozen wheels, each individually controlled by a computer in order to properly steer while maintaining even weight distribution.


In order to safely use these platform transporters, a quality transportation professional must have expertise in guiding the wheels and steering the equipment, either working with a hand-held control panel or sitting in a driver cabin. Because of the massive loads these transporters carry, it is crucial to be in complete control of the transporter's speed, as well as travel and transport conditions.


For the guaranteed safe arrival of your heavy haulage needs, your business needs:


  • State of the art technological equipment in superb operational conditions

  • A trained professional experienced in heavy freight transport

  • Guarantees that both the equipment and the operators are certified and compliant with all regulations


When choosing a heavy transport provider, do not hesitate to inquire about industry standards, compliance requirements, and training certifications. A dependable company will be pleased to share with you its expertise and quality.


Costs, Fees, And Charges


Heavy haulage fees can sometimes seem complex. Costs include the haul, loading and unloading fees, escort labor and service charges, and permit application fees. Figuring out the costs of hauling massive loads can be daunting, but if your business has a team of reliable, experienced professionals, then you can guarantee your business is paying for the most cost-effective solution that will not hinder your operations or commercial success.


Service Solutions For Any Of Your Challenges


When dealing with heavy haulage, you may be in the need of a number of services to design and undertake the movement of your cargo, equipment, or goods

  • Feasibility Studies

  • Permit Acquisition

  • Liaison With Government (Local or National) Departments

  • Cranage, Jacking, or Skating

  • Road Closures

  • Traffic Management Officials

  • Police Escorts


There are numerous steps to consider and requirements by which to abide. Your business needs a team that has a detailed understanding of rules, laws, and regulations. This team must be incredibly detail-oriented and think through all the possible scenarios.


Successful heavy haulage solutions are the result of meticulous planning and project management. Westbound Enterprises provides the top-quality, comprehensive transportation solutions your business demands in a cost-friendly manner. Their professional team guarantees the delivery of any heavy load.